This morning I was reading the reading for today in ODAT...It was talking about Step Eleven: "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, ........." "If we are living by the Al-Anon counsel First Things First, prayer and meditation come before all else, since it is in this way that we receive guidance for our decisions." ........
As I was reading this my mind was saying "If I only had time!"
Well Al-Anon seems to tell me exactly what I need to hear because the Today's Reminder directly below said:
"Am I too busy to pray? Have I no time for meditation? Then let me ask myself whether I have been able to solve my problems without help. As I face them day by day. I want to acknowledge my need for His guidance. I will not let this day pass - nor any day from now on - without making myself consiously aware of God."
Well here goes.....I am setting myself a "Thursday's Resolution" and from "consciously" now on ...to set aside 10 min to "Pray" and "Listen"! Two of my most difficult things to do! How can I have direction if I don't take time to be grateful and to say it.....and to listen for a response or to just take a breathe!
I have always had a problem with "God"....A problem with "believing"...I hear others feel the same way when they share in meetings. I know someone is responsible for beauty when I look at our beautiful mountains and sunsets.....and when I go home to Florida, the beaches..... I think I am more spiritual than religious...
I read something in a recovery email recently that helped my perspective:
Not only then has each man his individual relation to God, but each man has his peculiar relation to God.
-- George MacDonald
Each of us sees and experiences God in a way somehow unique to us. No two people see things exactly alike. That's why our program has no dogma. Each of us is encouraged to follow a spiritual path that seems to have been created for us. And we need not worry if we're on the right one, because every path leads to God. Would God let us lose our way? Of course not. We will know if a course correction is needed, and God will lead us to it.
Each of us understands God in a way no one else does. There's a place in God's love for each of us. And out of that place we can bring light to other people, just as our own special people have brought their light to us.
I will cultivate my unique vision of God so that I may bring light to someone else.
This made me feel more accepting of whatever path I want or need to choose.....
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