In Al-Anon a man said something that made an impact and made me feel good.......
He said, "I went to an empty church yesterday and sat in the pew. A woman came in and sat next to me. After a few minutes of silence, she leaned over and told me "Even though the church is empty......You are never alone!!"
I am reading the Paths of Recovery - Step Three - and going to answer the questions in the back of the chapter to go over with my sponsor on Friday. I only have two more sessions with her until we both leave for summer. She wanted to get me through the first three steps so over the summer I could work the Blueprint Step Four workbook. I feel a bit rushed but she said that I was the kind of person that can obsess and analize to much and this is the way she sees that I should do it. (BTW She is so right with the obsession/over analazing etc. etc.!)
Things that stood out while reading about Step Three;
*No one compels us to turn over our will. We choose to "try" because the way of life we created on self-will alone was neither satifying or serene
*I feel sometimes God is looking down on me, shaking his head, and thinking "When will she ever learn!"
*I know God gives me the priviledge of making my own decisions. Sometimes I do the wrong things and he let's me experience the consequences of my own mistakes.
*He is always with me and loves me unconditionally
*Step One gave me Honesty; Step Two gave me Hope; and Step Three gave me Faith..
I do believe in God....God is the one who provides us beauty, like sunsets, to love and appreciate....even when there is ugliness all around us.
The 'god' part was the most difficult for me - after so many years of turning my back on my faith and religion, I had to figure out what my higher power should be... it took me months to get to a place where I was OK with this part of AL anon - of my own recovery process...
I love the story you were told... of the man in the church - profound .
Awesome post. All of it is 100% true. We have our own free will. We are free to make our mistakes and we are free to learn from them.
I have come to believe that there is a power greater than myself. For me, that power is a God. This isn't a religious God but one who encompasses all things and looks with love on every creature.
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