This is where the worse of the binges takes us.......
My daughter was watching the video's of when she was a baby with her friend yesterday. (She is now 19!) The video was her first Christmas in our house opening her presents with myself and her dad. She was so cute and little....A few minutes passes and I looked at myself in this video and I looked so happy. I realized that I felt just as helpless then as I do now with alcohol. Nothing has changed. I didn't know Al-Anon then as I do now but 18 years have past and I'm still in this same hole!!
I guess I'm feeling pretty down. My son is sick, I'm feeling like I'm getting sick and our A/C is leaking.....and of course my husband is in Vegas...getting wasted, gambling, and who else knows or cares!! God, can you take this away?
he was pretty broken up about his relapse
8 years ago
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