I have heard "insanity" explained as - doing the same thing expecting different results. I do this on a regular basis. I am insane when it comes to the disease of alcoholism.
I came home from a meeting and meeting my sponsor not expecting anything but the loving husband I have had for the past two days. I am not getting that. I am not sure what is wrong but he isn't eating. I hope he is just grumpy because he is dieting and not drinking. I hope this isn't the hurricane/tornado I have been expecting.....(when he sees his daughter.) (This is where I thought of the word "insane"! I am expecting different results when she comes to visit this time.......
In my meeting today the topic was Tradition 4. I really wasn't excited about this discussion at all until I heard a couples of members say that we could show autotomy to members of our family. We could use "principles above personalities with them!" That is going to help me hopefully this weekend to remember that they have the right to be themselves and I have a right to be myself, yet I can work the principles of the program. (I am a little rushed right now, so I am not sure if I'm explaining this right....I need to read it again when I have a minute.)
I am stressing a bit about my son's friend. His dad just got back from Mexico City last week and my son has been playing with his son all week. I just found out he is now sick. His mother doesn't believe in doctors......I know stressing won't help anything, so maybe if I write this to myself I can voice it and then discard it........
I pick up my stepdaughter in two hours.....Here we go
he was pretty broken up about his relapse
8 years ago